Day 66: Tuesday, July 9

Tenting not far past the Peter Grubb Hut (PCT mi 1153.0), walked 20.1 miles today

Got moving around 7:15 this morning and after about 5 miles of climbing popped out on the very top of a very steep and very exposed ridge with 360 views ... Stayed up there for a couple of miles, and it was a fantastic morning of walking. There was a stiff breeze on the ridge, but I can only imagine what that area would be like if it were really blowing. Took a bathroom break at the Benson Ski Hut, where my poop fell from possibly the highest distance it ever has--the commode was on the second story, there was an entire first story below it, and then below that was the pit. It was fascinating. I could have sat there all day.

But town food called ... I continued the next 6ish miles to the old Hwy 40, where there was an older couple, the family of Werewolf and/or Luna, handing out cold beer and fresh cherries. Hung there awhile with Sexy Legs and Johnny Reb, then caught a quick hitch 3 miles to the Soda Springs store. Ate a pretty good sandwich there, drank some Mtn. Dew, which I'd craved all morning, charged my phone and grabbed some extra snacks for the next 35 miles to Sierra City. Was back out to the trail via another quick hitch in about 2 hours. 4 miles from there, the trail passed under I-80, where someone had left more trail magic, with some very recently stocked coolers of soda and beer, and some frosted donettes for good measure. Drank two sodas and moved on. Had started to feel very antisocial because I had seen about a dozen hikers, most of whom I don't really care about, in the vicinity since returning to the trail and knew they all had the ski hut, the Peter Grubb, in mind for the night. I got there at 7 and it was closed for repairs, which is going to disappoint a lot of people. Went less than a half-mile past it, figuring they'd all camp in the building area anyway, then poked around off-trail for a good stealth site, found one under some nice big pines. Relishing my aloneness because I'm clearly around a mini-herd and my not have much time to myself between here and Sierra City in 35 miles.