Season's greetings
/Hello! In the past few weeks, I migrated everything from my dingy old blog into this sleek new page. This new site:
- Is better organized
- Boasts an even higher concentration of dumb jokes and references
- Has more information on the information pages
- Does not have as much blogging on the blogging pages ... yet.
Though a major long hike does not appear to be in the offing for me, personally, in 2015, there are other things going on in the world that I might want to write about at some point. Stay tuned for sick burns and hot takes on the Wild movie, the Buddy Backpacker™ freak show, Uber, a winter road trip to a cabin in remote northeastern Minnesota, and more. And if I decide against all better sense, and the wishes of everyone who cares about me, to pull up stakes and hit the Continental Divide Trail in 2015, I will definitely keep a journal here. Pip pip.